
Mothering Sunday

The Church

Join us for a Sung Eucharist on Mothering Sunday during which we will distribute posies to all present. 

Palm Sunday

The Church & Garden

Join us on Palm Sunday as we begin our service in the garden and process into the church singing; 'All glory laud and honour' commemorating Jesus' entry into Jerusalem.

Palm Sunday

The Church

Before listening to the Passion Gospel we will gather in the Church Garden for the blessing of the palms and a short procession, as a remembrance of Jesus' entry into

Station of the Cross in the Garden

The Church garden

Pray your way along the path Jesus took to the Cross. Service of guided mediations at 7pm

Holy Wednesday


A quite service of Holy Communion as we prepare for the Tridium beginning on Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday


Join us to commemorate Jesus' establishment of Holy Communion (The Eucharist) duiring his Last supper with his disciples. This is the first day of the Tridium leading to Easter.

Good Friday

On Zoom

Stations of the Cross - a guided mediation on zoom.

More details to follow.

Good Friday


At 2pm we gather to keep the Liturgy of the Cross. We remember Jesus' passion and  death and our ultimate salvation.

Easter Day Alleluia!

The Church

At 10am we celebrate the joyful resurrection of our Lord and Saviour; blessing the paschal candle and sharing Holy Communion. ALL VERY WELCOME

Past Events

St.George's Alumni visit and Thanksgiving Service

The Church of the Good Shepherd
A short service of thanksgiving will be offered during the reunion of St.George's alumni in the Church of the Good Shepherd, formally often used as the School Chapel.

Ash Wednesday

The Church

11am Ash Wednesday 5th March

Eucharist with ashing.

Come and mark the beginning of the Lenten Season as we begin our journey with Christ to his Cross and beyond to

Licensing of a New Lay Reader

The Church

On Sunday 9th February the Bishop will be with us to license Judy Wedderspoon as a Lay Reader within our Congregation. Please join us.

Candlemas Service

The Church of the Good Shepherd

Come and join us as we celebrate the Feast of Jesus' presentation in the temple (Candlemas)


The Church

The Church will be open for worship as usual on Sunday 26th January.

see you there