Welcome to our very special garden. It's an oasis of peace and quiet, blessed with its south-facing aspect, and far removed from the bustle of city life; yet a playground for the nursery children during term time. It's an ideal place for wedding photos and for guests to enjoy.
The two mature lime trees and the sycamore are bare, but beautiful in their elegance; yet there is colour in the garden from Cotoneaster, Primula and other brave and hardy plants.
The snow drops are long gone, and now we welcome some wonderfully mild sunny days which have brought on the daffodils and tulips really early. The garden is truly looking so colourful with the vibrant yellows from the daffodils and kerria japonica, the bright blues from the hyacinths and muscari; and now the appearance of reds and pinks from the tulips.........a true delight to gladden hearts for the celebration Easter......and a beautiful backdrop for a Spring wedding
As weeding progresses, a resident robin follows me about in the hope of a juicy worm, and much to my surprise a cock pheasant strolled through the garden last week. During Lent we will display the stations of the Cross in the garden as an aid to contemplation.
The photo on the right of the bench that was donated by Muriel Brunton's sons, in her memory is surrounded by lovely summer planting. The consecrated ground beneath the south wall is given special attention with the memorial plaques. The garden is used for church social events and visitors are welcome to stop for a moment, to sit, to pray or meditate or just to enjoy the peace of the place.
The gardeners and helpers give one or two Saturday mornings to help clear the autumn fall of leaves. As we have three mature trees, two lime and one sycamore, this is a huge annual task.