The Good Shepherd congregation is one of the three congregations that make up the ecumenical grouping of Murrayfield Churches Together (MCT). The partnership has been active for over 35 years and many activities are organised together such as:
The Murrayfield Dementia Project - 'the Club' meets three times a week and caters for 10 members each day offering support and a rich variety of activities for local residents living with dementia or who are socially isolated due to frailty or other needs. Search for 'The Murrayfield Club' or 'Murrayfield Dementia Project' for more information.
The Club meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Murrayfield Parish Church (Ormidale Terrace) and as The Memory Lane Café 10-Noon at Saughtonhall United Reformed Church (Saughtonhall Avenue). The Memory Lane Café is open to all.
Ecudare - the three congregations support this Kenyan Charity which seeks to help women and children affected by HIV/AIDS.
Fresh Start - members from the congregations are involved in this local homelessness charity which seeks to help people as they transition into their own homes, often for the first time.
Christian Aid - the three congregations work together in supporting this international charity, including door to door collections in May and organising social events which support the ongoing work throughout the world.
Messy Church - members from the three congregations run a monthly 'Messy Church' on a Saturday afternoon for children and parents in the locality. It is very popular and offers an opportunity for families to get to know each other and to hear something of the Christian Faith as well.
The Study Group - most of the Christian education of the congregations takes place in a weekly gathering of interested members. A wide variety of topics are covered and explored such as; Art and Scripture, Christian ethics and regular Bible studies in different styles.
Joint Worship - the congregation come together in the different churches in the partnership on at least four occasions during the year; in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Christian Aid week, Creationtide (Harvest-tide) and Advent. We also have a joint Watchnight service on Christmas Eve.
Working ecumenically is part of the charism of the Good Shepherd and we greatly value knowing our sisters and brothers in the other local churches so well.