September 2024

A reflection for Sunday 15th September 2024 by Canon Dean Fostekew

“What is it that you say?”

You can probably think of a time when you have wished that you had kept your peace and your tongue in check, as St.James cautions us this morning in the Epistle reading. Times when you have rued the day you ever said the words that you did say. Words that you instantly regretted saying as you said them.

None of us are particularly good at biting our tongues when provoked or tempted by spite or even when we think we are right. Most of us do it and I suspect that most of us...

A reflection for Sunday 8th September 2024 by Judy Wedderspoon Lay Reader

Two of our readings this morning are specifically about Thanksgiving, so it is definitely time to give some real thought to what ought to be central to our practice of religion, but all too often isn’t. I must begin by saying that it isn’t easy! We look at all the horrors of the world we live in: Gaza, the Ukraine, Ethiopia, Myanmar, and it’s difficult, really difficult to feel thankful. We face the appalling fact of climate change and the potential destruction of our planet, and it becomes even more difficult to feel thankful. We must however not give way...