October 2024

A refection for Sunday 13th October 2024 by Judy Wedderspoon Lay Reader

Mark 10, 17-31 

One way or another this morning’s readings are all about righteousness. In the first reading, Amos, the prophet of Northern Israel, sees with deep concern the way of  life of his countrymen. They have turned away from godly living. In those days of walled cities justice was supposed to be dispensed “in the gate”, but this has ceased to happen. Men hate the one who reproves in the gate and abhor the one who speaks truth. They take bribes and push aside the needy. The Israelites as ever did not listen to Amos. It was not long...

A thought for the day for Sunday 6th October 2024

Hebrews 1:1-4 & 2:5-12

Whenever I hear the opening words of this passage:

"Long ago God spoke to our ancestors in many and various ways ... "

I always think of the Advent hymn; 'Long ago prophets knew Christ would come born a Jew ..." a hymn that takes this bit of Scripture as its inspiration and celebrates the 'Word made flesh' in creation. The unknown author of the Epistle to the Hebrews is at pains to show that Christ is the pinnacle of God's marvellous creation as well as being fully divine as well. Christ is the one bit...