It all seems very strange that 'normal' and familiar life has changed so quickly. Seven days ago life was carrying on as usual - not so now. Yet, this time at home might be an opportunity for us to do those jobs we've been meaning to do for ages, like tiding our cupboards and drawers, re-decorating and weeding the garden. It could also be a time for us to sort out our spiritual lives.
When we sort out a cupboard or a wardrobe, for instance, we can often find ourselves asking the questions; 'Do I use this?' Do I need this any longer?' 'What do I need to replace this with, if anything?' We can ask similar questions about our spiritual lives. Are there things we have been carrying around for too long that are no longer useful or meaningful? Can we let them go? Are there new things one can use to explore God in a different way? For example for many years I have used one form of Morning and Evening Prayer everyday; recently I switched to a different form that I had not used for many years and am benefitting greatly from re-discovering and noticing for the first time gems of spiritual wisdom tucked away in the prayers and words of this different approach. Different words and phrasing, even of familiar texts, can bring new insights into one's relationship with the Divine.
Why not try saying the Lord's Prayer (as you wish your hands) in a version you don't usually use. Such as the Episcopal Church's translation into contemporary language:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Do not bring us to the time of trial but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and for ever. Amen.
Ponder on what the new words might mean to you? The phrase; 'Do not bring us to the time of trial...' always makes me think. Life has changed for the moment we now have to learn how to embrace this new way of being. Try to see it as a challenge and something positive and it might help you get through.