Malachi, the last of the prophets to appear in the Old Testament tells us this morning, that:
“The Lord will send his messenger, who will prepare his way before him.”
St.Luke, recounts the ministry of the last Old Testament prophet; John-the-Baptist and how he urged the Israelites to repentance and preparation in order to meet the Christ, face to face.
How well were these prophets of old heard?
How well do we hear their voices, today?
Luke’s quote from Isaiah, in relation to the Baptist, remains very true:
“ … like a voice crying in the wilderness.”
I don’t know how many of you have been into the desert? It can at first sight appear to be a dry, barren place where at night the silence is deafening. I have been into the Sahara, and into the area around Massada, in Southern Israel. Both places were wildernesses, desolate places full of unseen dangers, loneliness and death. These are the images that come to my mind when I hear John's voice crying in the wilderness.
It can, however, be just as desert like and desolate in the middle of the city or within a dying relationship - when you have no one to relate to. Think back to the times when you may have felt a bit down and longed to see someone, or to engage in stimulating conversation with a friend and no one has called. How painful and isolating that can feel. This is as much a barren, empty, wilderness as the desert.
Scripture, however, teaches us that in order to reach the ‘Promised Land’ we first have to cross the wilderness. We have to seek out and heed God’s word and respond to it. The wilderness we have to cross, is the one within our own hearts. We have to allow God into this barren place, so that he can renew us and liberate us from our guilt and fears, thereby enabling us to grow. To grow into him.
The Baptist’s call, this morning, is a challenge. He is urging us to repent of our sins and to open our hearts to the Lord. It is a dangerous challenge because if we open our hearts to God, we will surely be changed; and any change is scary, difficult to accept and not always easy to deal with. It is easier and safer to stay as one is - it’s comfortable and secure.
BUT, be warned!
If you do not change, you will not grow, and you will effectively keep God out of your life never maturing into the whole person, that God calls you to be.