
St.Benedict's Prayer

The following prayer said to have come from the pen of St.Benedict has been inspiration to countless numbers of Christians over many centuries. In the prayer St.Benedict encourages us to ponder upon God and to spend time trying to come closer to the Divine. It is a prayer that asks God to help us understand his ways better and then to try and live our lives in the service of others and of God as well.

It is not a 'quick fix' prayer but a prayer of and for a life-time. It is a prayer that asks God to guide us through out the days of our lives; each day coming to comprehend God a little more until the day we are called back to the Divine and once more become one with our eternal Creator.

Gracious and Holy Father, please give me:

intellect to understand you;

reason to discern you;

diligence to seek you;

wisdom to find you;

a spirit to know you;

a heart to meditate upon you;

ears to hear you;

eyes to see you;

a tongue to proclaim you;

a way of life pleasing to you;

patience to wait for you; and 

perseverance to loom for you.

grant me:

a perfect end, your holy presence,

a blessed resurrection

and life everlasting.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Good Shepherd Sunday sermon

Good Shepherd Sunday  Easter IV 2020  Year A

Many years ago the congregation at St.Mary’s Dalmahoy built a sheep fank in their church garden. It was designed to be the place where ashes could be interred. The fank was built before my time as Rector and it took me a while to ‘get why’ they had built such a feature as a last resting place for members of the congregation. In fact it was years later, when I re-read today’s readings that I finally understood the reasoning behind the design. It was the words where Jesus describes himself as; ‘the gate for the sheep’ that gave me the clue I needed.

On first reading today’s Gospel is rather strange. Jesus talks more about being the ‘gate keeper’ of the sheepfold or fank, than he does about being the shepherd of the flock. We usually have some idea of what Jesus the 'Good Shepherd’ looks like but the idea of Jesus as the gatekeeper or the ‘gate for the sheep’ is more difficult to comprehend. What, I think, Jesus is saying is that; it is through him that we enter the Kingdom of God. We need to go through Jesus to come closer to God and that it is the same Jesus, who once we are in; will guard and protect us from the temptations and dangers of the world.

A sheep fank or fold is a place of protection. It is not a place that the sheep (us) permanently reside in but a refuge in the darkness or in times of danger that we can retreat to for protection and care. It is a place where we can be looked after.

Jesus’ first followers and listeners would have been well aware of the dangers that life held and how they all at times needed a place of security. Sheep on the hillside could be prey to all manner of predators both human and animal and this analogy would have been very powerful to them. There could be many things ‘predators’ that might lead them away from the ways of God.

Life is a risky business and we all need places of refuge to retreat to in order to reflect, recover and re-charge our batteries before we feel strong to re-enter the world. As the gate keeper Jesus shepherds us in, guards us, cares for us and then once things are safe again, leads us out to face the world with all its joys and woes. This image of the shepherd Jesus is a strong and powerful one. For Jesus is portrayed as a protector and leader who is at once both strong and caring. It is his voice that leads us back in times of need and which also soothes us. Jesus is always there ‘looking out for us’.

This is perhaps very poignant for these strange times during the ‘Covid19 Lockdown’. Things can seem to be unfamiliar and scary and we need a place of security in which to hide away for a while, until our confidence returns. It is in Jesus that we can hide and it if Jesus who will strengthen us and guide us forward and we will go forward once we remember that we do so with Jesus at our side. He will never leave us unprotected or alone, even if we cannot sense his presence he will be there.

The sheep fank can also act as an ikon of the church per se. The church can be seen as offering a haven of calm, peace and security in a busy and uncertain world. It is not however a place to ‘run away’ to in order to hide because the shepherd is always there waiting to move us on and out once the dangers have past. The sheep pen can ever only be a temporary ‘holding bay’. For if the pen is seen as permanent it will become a place of stagnation and Jesus calls all of us out into the world as his witnesses not into the church as his slaves.

A good sheep fank or church needs to be a place where we can be challenged to explore and learn new things about God and each other. A place where we can have a degree of security and support to go ‘beyond our ken’ and to discover more about what it means to follow the ways of God as a Christian.  A healthy church is one that is like the sheep fank, always open and welcoming but at the same time always a place ready to leave.

I know now years later and understand more fully as to why Dalmahoy chose the sheep fank as a resting place ‘peaceful and secure’ (to quote our funeral liturgy) for the ashes of loved ones departed. The sheep fank offers a resting place but a resting place that is only temporary until Christ returns and calls us forth.

For us Jesus is no bandit or thief climbing over the wall of the sheep fold, he is the shepherd guarding our spiritual well being. He knows us by name and recognises us by sight; he leads us out into new pastures and is our protection against the storms. He really is our loving and good shepherd.




Grant, we beseech thee, merciful Father, thy help and comfort to all who at this time are visited with sickness and anxiety; and prosper with thy continual blessing those who labour to devise protection for mankind against plague and pestilence; through him who both healed and hallowed suffering, thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

O merciful Father, whose blessed Son Jesus Christ did weep at the grave of Lazarus his friend: Look with compassion upon those who are now in sorrow and affliction; comfort them, O Lord, with thy gracious consolations; make them to know that all things work together for good to them that love thee; and grant them evermore sure trust and confidence in thy fatherly care; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Merciful God, who didst send thy blessed Son to be the great physician of both soul and body: Look, we beseech thee, upon those who have dedicated their lives to the ministry of healing. Bless and strengthen them in thy service; use their skill and all such means as they shall employ for the relief of suffering and the restoration of health; and help them ever to remember that in ministering to others they minister to the one who suffered for us all, the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Guide, we beseech thee, merciful Father, all those to whom is committed the government of the nations; and grant to them at this frightening time special gifts of wisdom and understanding, of counsel and strength; that they may consult and consider calmly, and act wisely and promptly, upholding what is right, abhorring what is wrong and performing that which is just; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Merciful God, with whom do live the spirits of them that depart hence in the Lord, and with whom the souls of the faithful, after they are delivered from the burden of the flesh, are in joy and felicity: We praise and magnify thy holy Name for all thy servants who have finished their course in thy faith and fear; and we most humbly beseech thee that, at the day of the general resurrection, we, and all they who are of the mystical body of thy Son, may be set on his right hand, and hear his most joyful voice, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.  Grant this, O merciful Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen